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Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Posted by Unknown | Pada 3:21 AM

By Ustadz Abu Ihsan al-Atsari ORIGINS OF CULTURE Culture or culture derived from the Sanskrit buddhayah. Is the plural of buddhi (mind or intellect), defined as things related to the mind and intellect of man. In English, the culture is called culture. Derived from the Latin word Colere, the process or work. It could also be interpreted to cultivate the land or farming. The word culture, also sometimes translated as "cultured" in Indonesian. In Islam, the term is called adab. Islam has outlined Islami adab-adab governing ethics and norms adherents. Adab-Islami adab covers all aspects of human life. Admonitions l descended directly from God through revelation to His Messenger. Therefore, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala make His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as the best model in terms of ethics and etiquette of this. before the arrival of Islam, which flourished in the midst of the Arab community as it is cultural ignorance. In the culture of ignorance which is prohibited by Islam, for example tathayyur, a person attributes rainfall to the stars, and so forth. Dinul-Islam strongly emphasize the direction of its adherents towards universal humanitarian principles, fetched the glorious history and break the shackles of tradition and culture of human , as well as taking the essence of the civilization of the modern world for the benefit of Islamic society. Allah says: "Say: 'We believe in Allah and in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob and his sons, and what was given to Moses,' Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them and unto Him we have surrendered. "Anyone looking for a religion other than Islam, it will not ever be accepted (religion) thereof, and in the Hereafter he is among those the losers "['Ali' Imran / 3:84-85] CULTURAL PENETRATION cultural penetration process is something that can not be avoided. Because human lives are interconnected with one another. Social interaction between humans caused the penetration of the culture. The definition of cultural penetration, is the influence of one culture into another culture. cultural penetration can occur in two ways. 1.Peaceful Penetration (Penetration Pasifique). Namely with the entry of a culture of peace. For example, the influence of Hindu culture to Indonesia. Acceptance of the two kinds of cultures does not lead to conflict, but enrich the local culture. Influence of both cultures even this does not result in the loss of the original elements of the culture. spread peacefully culture will produce acculturation, assimilation or synthesis. Acculturation, is merging the two cultures to form a new culture without losing its original cultural elements. For example, the shape of the building Borobudur Temple is a blend of cultures native to Indonesia and India. assimilation, is the mixing of the two cultures to form a new culture. Synthesis Meanwhile, the mixing of the two cultures that resulted in the formation of a new culture that is very different from the original culture. , and after the spread of Islam in the archipelago, cultural influences that have assimilated it still remains and maintained by most people. Therefore, we see elements of Indian culture is in some religious ritual practiced by most Muslims, for example, in ceremonies salvation, as wages in Mandailing, peusijeuk in Aceh, and fresh flour in Malay, and the ceremony marriage and death ceremonies. 2. Violence Penetration (Penetration Violante). Namely entry of a culture by force and damage. For example, the entry of Western culture to Indonesia in colonial times accompanied with violence, giving rise to shocks that disrupt the balance in the society. CULTURE IN INDONESIA Indonesia Culture can be defined as the entire local culture that had existed before the formation of the state of Indonesia in 1945. The entire local cultures derived from different cultural tribes in Indonesia is an integral part of the culture of Indonesia. Cultural Indonesia although varied, but basically formed and influenced by other great cultures such as Chinese culture and Indian culture. Indian culture is mainly coming from the spread of Hinduism and Buddhism in the archipelago long before Indonesia was formed. Kingdoms breath Hinduism and Buddhism had dominated archipelago in the 5th century AD, is characterized by the establishment of the oldest kingdoms in the archipelago, namely the kingdom of Kutai, until the end of the 15th century AD. incoming Chinese culture and Indonesian culture, because interaction affects trade intensive between Chinese merchants and the Archipelago (Sriwijaya). In addition, there are many who enter with Chinese nomads who came from the south of China and settled in the archipelago. They settled and married local residents, ending up with a blend of Chinese culture and unique local. Culture like this that went on to become one of the roots than modern local culture in Indonesia, such as Javanese and Betawi culture. adab-adab As Islam entered Indonesia in line with developments in the archipelago, which is carried by the dai-dai from the Middle East and South Asia. VIEWS ISLAMIC CULTURE OF HUMAN 'Aisha Radhiyalahu' anha narrates: "Verily, there is a wedding in the four kinds of ignorance. marriage, as was done by the people now. Ie someone comes to woo a woman or girl to her guardian, and he gave a dowry to her and then married her" . types other marriage, a man said to his wife when they have been holier than haidhnya, "So and so go down to meet him and take the seed," then her husband away and not touch it again to clear the pregnancy from seed so and so was. If it turns out pregnant, then the husband should not fuck her if she wanted to. He did it to get the child. Marriage is called a marriage istibdhâ `. marriage another type, which gathered some men, amounting to about ten people. They all intercourse with a woman. If the woman was pregnant or pregnant, and have been through a few days after the birth abortion, then she began to send the baby to one of the men. So they can not dodge. Then they all get together with the woman, and the woman said to them, "Surely you already know your business. I have given birth to a child, and this child is yours O So and so ". The woman to name one of them that he liked, and the child is ascribed to him without being able to turn it down again. marriage another kind, namely a man has intercourse with a woman without the man refused anyone who came to him. He's is female prostitutes. They plant a flag on the doors of the house as a sign. Anyone who wants to fuck him, he came free. If the woman is pregnant and bear children, men and even then it was collected. Then dipanggilah qâfah [1] and then the child is attributed to one of them who had been appointed by the qâfah. 


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